Ward Club Events

Link to 2019 AGM and Dinner photographs

Link to 2015 Events photographs

Link to Thames Port Health Boat Trip photographs

Link to Whitechapel Bell Foundry photographs




2024/2025 Events Date/Time
 Tour Spencer House  Feb 5 11:30
 Mansion House Art Gallery   March 22 11:00
 Annual Dinner Guildhall Crypt  April 22 2024
 Visit to Speaker’s House  July 30 and Aug 27
 Lloyds Building private tour  Sep 11 evening
 Natural History Museum – private tour  Oct 24 
 Lunch Ironmongers’ Hall  November 25
 Carol Service St-Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe  Dec 11 evening
 Strawberry Hill House & Garden (optional   lunch)  Feb 12  afternoon
 Social at Harrow Pub Whitefriars St  February 27 Evening
 Butcher’s Hall lunch  March 19 2025 12:30
 AGM and drinks St-Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe  March 31 evening 
 Private tour of Guildhall   April (tbc)
 Annual Dinner Guildhall Crypt  May 15 evening
 Dr Johnson’s House  June (tbc)
 Social event   July (tbc)
 Tour Goldsmiths’ Hall  December 8
 Carol Service St-Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe  December 17


Booking for individual events is opened a few weeks in advance of the event date.  Members are notified (by email or post) when booking is open and advised of the closing date for applications.  Additional information regarding the event, such as cost, times and location, are also sent directly to members together with the booking form. Members can book places for guests who are always very welcome.

If you have any queries about the programme please email: events@cbwc.org.uk

Ward Club Past Events

The Ward Club is an associate member of the United Wards’ Club and as such our members are invited to participate in that organisation’s events. Their web site can be accessed using this link.